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Sacred Circle (10/19/24) 6-8:15pm

Sacred Circle (10/19/24) 6-8:15pm

When: Saturday, October 19th from 6-8:15pm 


The greatest feeling in the world is connection.

Connection to each other.


True, deep, expansive acceptance of who we are.

Connection to mama Gaia.


Breathing in her wisdom & all that she has to give as we ground our feet upon her soil.

Connection to ourself.


Allowance & love of who we are, fully being that expression in the world.

Connection to God, Great Spirit.


This ever flowing essence of peace & love. The activation of every cell in your body as it vibrates in Union. The purest feeling of life imaginable.


Connection is meant to be sacred

To be honored, appreciated, & cared for.


I am deeply grateful for my teachers along the way who have provided these experiences for me, so I know how to cultivate them for others.


I am here to create safe spaces for intimate and sacred connection in all of these ways, with each other, the earth, ourselves, and great spirit.


Allowing us to remember.

To feel so deeply and profoundly.

To awaken to something bigger than we ever imagined.

This experience is a promise.


Saturday, October 19th from 6-8:15pm I will once again be holding Sacred Circle.


I am calling to my brothers and sisters to join me in communion. Together we shall clear our personal energy field, speak our truths, create and expand our collective energy circle, and move into sacred song and dance to create peace within the universe.


If you are wanting a deeper remembrance, an opportunity to bring higher frequency’s onto our planet, and to step into sacred tradition that has been passed on through the ages then I ask you to please answer the call.


We are meant to do this together.


Please, stand by my side and together we will be the change this world so desperately needs.


The keepers of the sacred


I can’t wait to BE with you in Sacred circle soon.


This time we will be doing the following things:

Meditation and/or Sound Bath

Sharing Circle

Energy Circle 

Dances of Universal Peace (2 dances)


I hope to see you and BE with you soon! 


Here’s to us embracing each other and rising into our greatness, together.


If this resonates with you, if you feel the call from deep within, please join me. Join us.


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