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The Activated Alchemist:
A Woman's Journey

Explore and open to a deeper understanding and acceptance of the archetypes and multi facet expressions of being the divine feminine. Allowing this innate wisdom to shine through you uniquely as a woman today.


As you understand, awaken, and embody your archetypal patterns, you will be able to live your life in a meaningful way and make the best use of your personal power, leading you to your highest potential. 


It is time to access a deeper, meaningful, and more profound realm of existence that's timeless, mystical and full of purpose.

What is this journey about?

During this 11 week long woman's journey you will dive deeply into archetypal work.  Each week you will focus on the energy of a new chakra and the archetypes that rest within that center. 


You will learn to identify how these energies express, both in light and shadow.   Spending a full week on each center, you have time to understand, awaken, and integrate all of the wisdom within. Remembering and tapping into these truths that already exist within you


Through the understanding and embodiment you step into your power and become capable of facing any and all things that life presents you with. Knowing when to and how to, call forth each energy pattern whenever needed.



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This 11 week journey includes....

  • One live 1.5 hr call with Courtney

  • One live 30 minute Activation call

  • 11 digital programs that guide you through understanding, awakening, balancing, and integrating each energy center and archetypes that rest there.

  • 11 guided meditations, to integrate what you are learning each week.

  • One welcome video to guide you through this journey.


Week 1: Root

Our first week is an introduction to feminine archetypes. Understanding the history, importance, and potency available within this work.


During our first week together we move into the rooted source of the feminine. Discovering and embracing the archetypes of our root chakra: Wild Woman, Healer, Medicine Woman, Witch, Sorceres.


Allowing yourself to be free and wild in every sense of the word. Feeling at home in your body, knowing and accepting all of yourself.



Week 2: Sacral

Week two welcomes in the archetypes of our sacral chakra: Maiden, Lover, Enchantress, Temptress. 


We will begin to explore and embody our creative and sexual energies. Understanding these expressions in both light and shadow. 


Stepping into a woman who owns her sexuality and creative power, and doesn’t tolerate anything less than her worth.


Week 3: Solar Plexus

During week three we step into our role as protector. Embodying our warrior and huntress archetypes, developing our physical strength and prowess.


These energies allow us to stand up for the rights of others, ourself, and what we believe in. 


This energy center allows your independent female spirit to express, allowing you to purpose the life of your choosing. 


Week 5: Throat

Week five embraces our unique voice and self expression.  Embracing unique gifts, skills, and truth.


The Muse archetype is the creative voice of the individual’s soul.


As you embody and awaken this archetype your life will expand in the realms of self expression, creativity and art.


Week 4: Heart


Our fourth week together enters into the energy of our heart chakra and our divine mother archetype. 


She teaches you to trust, follow your natural rhythms, and discover balance in your life.


She is nurturing, abundant, and generous. She is caring, compassionate, and is able to look after others. Bursting with fertility.

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Week 6: Third Eye

During week 6 we activate and embody the energies and archetypes of our third eye: wise woman, crone, scholar, sage.


These archetypes contain a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. Moving through the world in an energy that is peaceful and sincere, introspective and tuned into your intuition. Symbolizing ultimate maturity, life experience, and deep knowing.


As you step into these archetypes you can accurately speak truth, know your power, and embody your awakening.


Week 7: Crown

Our sixth week together rises into the level of our crown chakra, where the Mystic archetype resonates.


She connects us to higher consciousness and expanded awareness. Her gifts include peace, transcendence and enlightenment. 


She seeks spiritual connection and teaches us the discipline necessary for spiritual practices.  During this week we develop the ability to sit in sacred stillness, how to quiet the mind & be fully present with what is. 


Week 8: Queen

During our final three weeks together we move into our composite archetypes. These archetypes expand through the collective activation of multiple energy centers. 


She represents our worldly authority, our sovereignty and our sacred power. Once we embody the Queen, we stop playing small and step into the fullness of who we are. The Queen governs her realm with integrity, fierce love and compassion and allows us to manifest our dreams from a place of confidence, passion, and authenticity.

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Week 10: Goddess

The goddess awakens when we activate all seven of our energy centers, integrating our abilities and wisdom from each one. She is the full representation of the divine feminine.


The goddess is dedicated to unleashing her authentic self and creative energy without fearing external judgment. She shows up with honesty, integrity, and purpose. 


Overflowing with ideas, everything she creates originates from a deep place within and is a true expression of her soul. 

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Week 9: Priestess

The Priestess exists in our 4 upper chakras. This archetype represents our unique soul path in this lifetime.


She tunes in to her intuition and womb wisdom, trusts and accepts Divine guidance and inspiration as she walks her path.


This is the archetype we must embody to live our grandest, most inspired, fulfilling life.

Ready to get started?

Your investment for this 11 week long journey is only $2,222.  An investment that will change your understanding of yourself and ultimately your life.  You will always have access to this content, so you can return and deepen your understanding as often as possible. 


You are ready.


You just have to choose it. 


Click the button below and activate and embody all of the power within you.

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